Well heres a thought for ya.
Oh I shouldnt have started this blog like this but just so you know my answer Heaven is on a spiritual plane and not a physical one and so we cant ;like point it out or give ya directions Ok?
Now heres one for ya, Im a pretty devout guy not eligiously but as far as the Bible goes I BELIEVEOk? I guess you'd cal me pretty Spiritual but I was thinking while I dont have many ssues with the Bible and I have heard a lot of the arguments like it has inconsistanies in it about the same stories by different writers and all ( the writers BTW wrote many of their sections of the Bibe at different times and so it could easily get a little off in that manner but its all basically 99% accurate anyway.) but heres one I never heard anyone say before..
You know how it says when Jesus come back he will come down on the clouds and call up the people left on the earth and then raise the dead to come to Heaven with Him, well how is that going to work? I mean is He going to kill us to take us to this Spiritual plane or are we all of a sudden all going to come back to a physical place which I cant really bewlieve because it talks about Heaven in the bible and it says it isnt like here that theres no say Sex and all of that good stuff so theres a good question. Anyone have any thoughts?